Thursday, September 9, 2010

For the last 2 months or so, I have been pre-occupied with the subject of the "Body of
Christ" as revealed throughout the Scripture. I have been amazed at the extent of the
revelation and the details, including the descriptive analogies to the human body. The
sheer size of the Bride of Christ, as detailed by John in Revelation, chapter 21, just begs
my feeble human imagination... 1700+ miles wide and 1700+ miles long, and 1700+
miles high... that's a little further than the distance between Osler, SK and where we used
to live in Hamilton, IN! In the dream I had back in August of 2006 while we still lived at
Hamilton, I was shown 2 sides of the walls, entrances, and the foundation of this
Heavenly structure. I could not see the end of the walls going horizontally away from me,
but the depth of the foundation as well as the height of the protective wall surrounding
the primary structure I could see, even though it appeared to be over 200 feet. There were
12 distinct separate layers to the foundation, each appearing to be the same dimension.
The protective wall above the threshold of the entrances appeared to be in one formation
without distinctive layers. Later on that year, after we had moved to Canada, I dug into
the specific mathematical terms spoken of in the Book of Revelation to determine if I
could come to an understanding of the size of this Heavenly structure as detailed in
Revelation, chapter 21. I had 2 different directions to go in the mathematical research of
the actual length of a "cubit"... the length of a cubit as it relates to a man, or as it relates to
an angel (Verse 17). So, that all sounds quite relative to the historical average size of
people and quite a changing calculation. And, how do we determine the actual height of
an angel?? So, I approached the problem from both directions using an assumption of the
average height of a man at the time of the first century church as being close to 5.8ft tall
and the height of an angel being 9' tall. (The cubit is the ancient measurement of a
forearm from the elbow to the tip of the extended middle finger.) But, I found a way to
confirm my calculations using the earth's circumference at the equator as well as the
established measurement between each longitudinal degree at the equator. These are
known and established measurements. The one ancient calculation called the
"geometrical pace" has actually survived the course of time, and has been established as
5'. The geometrical pace is the distance the same foot of a man travels as he walks. So,
with there being 60,000 geometrical paces between each degree at the equator, it leads
me to continue the mathematical equation using the height of a man to determine the
cubit, as opposed to the height of an angel. So, using these assumptions, the length, width
and height of the New Jerusalem are 1,739.37 miles in each dimension. The protective
wall which surrounds the structure and the foundation are 191.52'. Which means a cross
section of each layer of the foundation is 16' square. So, to summarize my calculations,
picture this... a quadrilateral(4-sided) pyramid structure 1,739.37 miles in each dimension
with a protective wall surrounding it 191.52' high and deep. Talk about an amazing
structure being built by the Great Architect of the Universe Himself! We are called to
occupy a specific and unique space within the dimensions of this amazing structure. Oh
how magnificent are your works, dear Father!
Now, please allow me to present some medical facts regarding the complexities of the
human body, since it is analogous to this amazing Body of Christ. I use the foundation of
this analogy the following verse in Gen1:26; "Let us make man in our own
likeness(shape,similitude, resemblance, image)..." Here we go... (scientific fact)... Man's
body has 900 muscles, 1,000 miles of blood vessels, 350 main arteries, and 1,500,000
sweat glands. The lungs are composed of 7,700,000 individual cells. At 70 years of age,
the heart of man has pumped 500,000 tons of blood. The nervous system has
3,000,000,000,000 (3 trillion) separate nerve cells. The blood has 30,000,000 white
corpuscles and 100,000,000 red corpuscles. Each minute in every man's body
approximately 150,000,000 radio active carbon atoms go "pop", releasing a total energy
of 21,000,000 electron volts. The heart of man on the average beats 70 beats per minute,
4,000 times per day, 37,000,000 times a year, and 2,000,000,000 (2 billion) in 65 years.
Man's brain contains more nerve lines than all the telephone lines in the world put
together. I sorts through the electrical signals from 200,000 thermometer cells, 500,000
pressure sensing cells, plus the signals from the eyes, nose, and ears, as well as the areas
which sense the taste and touch. (What a powerful computer this brain is!)
Hopefully, I have shown a bit of the glorious mystery of the Body of Christ and to shine a
light on the world of beauty which we are individually called to. Is it possible that there is
a specific space set aside in this Body for each and every person who has ever lived on
the face of the earth??... I believe so! And each space (habitation/room/mansion) is the
dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of our God. Oh, what glorious beauty awaits us in that
City of the Living God! First, the Head is born and then the feet! What do you think?...
could it be that we who are born again in this age and placed into this Body are the level
of the feet, or the place where the foundation meets the structure to support it? We are
blessed to have in our hands the collected writings of the apostles and the prophets, as
well as all the holy men and women of old who have seen glimpses of this Heavenly
structure. Many have seen this Mystery. John and Daniel both saw the revelation of this
Son of God, with its Head in the Heavens and its feet on earth. The 70 elders, Moses and
Aaron with his 2 sons, who dined at the table of the Lord(Ex24) in the Mountain of God
saw this Heavenly Body standing on a pavement of sapphire. Oh, to have our eyes
opened to see a glimpse of the wonderful mystery of this amazing structure, the Body of
Christ. We are God's building! We are God's house! We are the City which Abraham saw
afar off which has foundations; whose Builder and Maker is God. There is no need for
the sun in that Heavenly structure, because the Lamb is the light! There is no need for a
separate temple there for the Lamb(the Body of Christ) is the temple thereof! From each
and every single mansion/house/room of that Body comes forth praise and worship to the
Almighty Living God. We all are placed as individual members in particular, having
specific and unique function, and held together in such precise placement through the
work of our Father's love within each of our hearts. So precision fit is this structure that
the finished look appears perfectly seamless and without structural cracks of any kind. It
has the appearance of being one complete formation. As we are in Christ, He is in us!
This is the greatest mystery of all time... Christ in you; the hope of glory!
Be blessed!

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