Friday, December 4, 2009

The Resonance Frequency of Conversion

Book 2.
Chapter 6. Resonance Frequency
There is a principle of truth that runs throughout the entirety of Scripture and
especially throughout the message of the New Covenant. This principle has been referred
to at various points throughout this book and is illustrated with the Greek concept
pointing towards the process of metamorphosis. The change that is intended in the life of
the born again believer in Christ is intended to be just as dramatic as the miraculous
process of nature whereby a lowly worm becomes a beautiful butterfly. Change is a
process that occurs naturally, as well as miraculously.
Earlier in this book we spoke of the verse of Scripture found in 2 Corinthians 3:18
that put before us the process of change as we behold the glory of Christ. This changing
process involves a few specific principles that I would like for us to consider.
First of all, as is required to receive any gift or blessing from God, one must
approach the throne of grace with full evidence and confidence of faith. The first section
of this book dealt extensively with this process in the believer’s life. So, I will not devote
more space to repeat what was spoken earlier.
The resonance principle…
There is another principle that I would like us to consider which I see involved in
this process of change. In the scientific world we find a principle that I believe will help
illustrate this mechanism involved in the process of change. The term given to this
principle is “resonance frequency”. This principle involves a distinct measurement of the
electromagnetic waves emitted relative to various inherent factors, including mass,
distance and time. Please allow me to illustrate. Recently, I was watching a news
program when a special program was aired concerning a very old company in Spain that
has continued to produce cast bronze bells used primarily throughout Europe to provide
the ageless sounds of bells tolling across the far reaches of cities and towns. During this
news program the camera showed the bell maker determining the tone of each bell, and
tuning them to the intended specific note. As a tuning fork was used within the inner bell
area of the newly cast bell, the bell would begin to vibrate with the identical tone that the
fork was producing. This phenomenon is identified as “resonance”.
A similar phenomenon will occur with the resonance of a guitar string when
placed in proximity to a sound identical to the tone of the string. This occurrence can be
very disruptive when occurring at improper times during a musical concert.
What “notes” am I tuned in to?...
A spiritual application of this principle involved in the process of change is that
our spiritual life is compared to an instrument of music. In fact, the Apostle Paul uses the
term “instruments” to describe the function the individual members of our body has
either for righteousness or for unrighteousness. The question is what is the sound that we
produce when we come in contact with the many varied sounds around us? What tone is
our spirit tuned to? When we come in contact with hopelessness and despair, does our
spirit resonate the same tone inherent with these damaging spirits? When the pure tones
of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost begin to ring around us, do we
resonate with that same tone, or is it another completely different and discordant tone?
All things resonate…
Science tells us that every thing, whether it is a ray of light or an elephant
crashing through the jungle, has a specific resonance frequency that is inherent and
distinct. In other words, everything has a distinct and measurable level of vibration. One
could say that the resonance frequency is the tone that something is tuned to. This is true,
as we will see, for our spiritual actions and reactions as well as in our physical life.
One might ask, what can be done to “fix” this problem? How can I be more in
tune with the nature, or glory, of God? How can I be more in harmony with His will and
purpose in this world and still function in my job and my family with all life’s demands
and interruptions?
The 3 ways to diminish resonance…
Well, let’s look again at the analogy of the guitar strings. Basically, there are 3
specific ways I can stop an out of control tone from sounding from a guitar…
1) I can stop the source of the sound that is causing the resonation to begin with.
This could be equated with the instructions that we rebuke the devil...bind him
and forbid his sounds of disharmony from affecting us. The problem with this
spiritual approach is that all too often I have given Satan legal access to my
life. This earth is his legal domain. Just when I least expect it, my temper
will surface once again and begin to resonate. Such are the results of the
greatest self-discipline efforts known to man.
2) Another approach is to put my finger on the vibrating string and mute its
sound. This approach is very similar to the whole idea of self-discipline or
denying oneself…self-control. You don’t have to be very old to realize the
deficiencies of this approach. This “fix” works as long as you keep your
“finger on the string”.
3) The third and probably most effective way to deal with this resonation
problem is to simply change the tone of the string. Spiritually, this is the new
life in Christ that is for our provision if we will accept it by faith. We must
first of all, come to God knowing that He is alive and hears and answers our
prayers. Secondly, we must expect Him to change us and make us more as He
is…more in tune with the will of God and His divine nature.
There is another principle of physics that science has borrowed from the truth of
the Scripture. I would like to focus on this principle as we look for a greater
understanding regarding the way we receive and portray the nature of Christ in
and through our life. This principle is the principle of “reflection”. So let’s look
together in this next chapter at what it means that we reflect God’s nature.

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