The Sign of God's Glory in the Heavens
Book 2.
Chapter 4. The Sign in the Heavens
During the early morning hours of July 6, 2006, as I sat at our dining room table
praying and meditating on the Scriptures, a bright light caught my attention above the
horizon of the eastern sky as the first rays of light signaled the dawning of a new day.
The surface of Hamilton Lake, Indiana, was as still and clear as the surface of a mirror.
As I observed this light, my eyes began to see a brilliant display of colored rays of light
that began as a circle and spread into the familiar half-circle bow design of a rainbow.
The abnormal part of this rainbow, other than the fact there had not been an early
morning shower, was the brilliant separation of the colors. Rather than a blending of
colors common to rainbows as you move from inside to the outside of the arc, there were
distinct separations to the bright colors that were visible there. As I gazed on this sight
with many questions whirling through my mind, the Spirit of the Lord spoke these words,
“This is the sign of my glory that I place in the heavens.” Then I realized I was having an
open-eyes vision of spiritual significance.
The colors of God’s grace, His justice, and His love…
Just prior to this I had been studying concerning the glory of God and had been
asking the Lord to teach me concerning this subject. So, now my attention was riveted on
the sight in front of my eyes. As I looked on the outer red ring of the rainbow, the Spirit
of God said, “This color is the color of my graciousness.” Then as my eyes shifted to the
inner edge of the arc, He said, “Violet is the color of my justice.” Then I noticed a bright
white light directly below the violet color. It followed the same shape of the arc and as
my eyes moved even further towards the ground, it became like a white fog. During this
time, the Holy Spirit said, “White is the color of my Love.”
Just as quickly as this came into view, it subsided as the morning sky continued to
brighten with the light of the rising sun.
The sign of God’s glory…
Needless to say, my Teacher had my complete attention at this point. I picked up
my open Bible lying on the table and turned to Genesis, chapter 9. In this chapter we
have the account of God’s covenant with Noah and his sons. He wanted to establish a
sign of His covenant with them. In verses 13 and 16 this sign is referred to as a “bow”
that was placed in the sky to remind all generations of mankind concerning God’s
promises. Also, it served as a reminder to God Himself that He had made these promises
to this people of His.
In Hebrews, chapter 6, we have the account of the covenant that God made with
Abraham. In verse 13, we read, “For when God made promise to Abraham, because He
could swear by no greater, He swear by Himself.” Then again in verse 16, “For men
verily swear by the greater; and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife.
Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show into the heirs of promise the
immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath; that by two immutable things, in
which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have
fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us…”
We as human beings swear our oaths by what is greater than ourselves. For most
of us, especially in a public swearing-in ceremony, the basis for our oath is to swear with
one hand on the Bible. This is done because the Bible is recognized, particularly in our
Western culture, as the final authority to base our oaths on. In a court of law, a witness
confirms his or her oath by swearing on a Bible.
Because God has no greater authority than Himself, He must swear on the
authority of Himself. His nature is the lasting and forever unchanging essence to who He
is. He swears by His own glory. So, here in Genesis chapter 9, we see Him set the sign
of the authority of His oath in the heavens.
The Prophet Ezekiel states…
In the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 1, and verse 28, we read these words concerning
the vision that Ezekiel saw of Jehovah: “As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud
in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about. This was the
appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face,
and I heard a voice of One that spoke.” This bow referred to here, the rainbow, is the sign
of the glory of God. It has always been the sign and always will be the sign of His glory.
The visible nature of the glory of a woman I met…
Later on that same day of July 6, I met my youngest sister at a restaurant to share
lunch with her. While we were there, a lady came and sat down at a table adjacent to our
table. As this total stranger sat with her back to us, my attention was drawn to a most
unusual view. Above the profile of her head and shoulders were 7 evenly “stacked” bands
of colors; rising directly overhead. They seemed to reach near the ceiling of the dining
room of the restaurant. As I observed this strange sight, I realized that the same order of
colors that were seen that morning from my window were in full view here. Each color
was of the same transparent type of colors that I had seen earlier. I knew full well that I
was “seeing things” once again that were of a distinct spiritual significance, but, as of yet,
I was unaware of the specific spiritual implication of what I saw. On my return from the
salad bar, this lady was no longer at the table; she had left just as instantly as she had
appeared. To this day, I have “seen” colors stacked on many people, mainly a mixture of
opaque colors along with transparent colors, but, I have never observed the entire stack of
all 7 fully transparent colors since that time. It is my own belief that we had actually been
in the company of an angelic being.
The meaning of the distinctive colors…
Between the days of July 6th and August 3rd, 2006, I was instructed by my
“Teacher” as to the meaning and the spiritual significance of these colors visible in the
spiritual realm. Specifically, the instruction has focused on the colors that are visible with
the colors of the rainbow. These 7 colors, 8 if you include the color white, have clear and
specific meanings when viewed in the physical realm or in the spiritual realm. Colors are
so much a part of the world we live in that we simply don’t realize the significance they
hold. It is with colors as it seems to be with many things in life, that the things apparent
and in abundance are so common that they tend to lose their value to us until such time
as the perception of them is diminished, or has become a rare sight in our surroundings.
We need to be instructed as to the significance of the common things that are in
abundance in our life, before their meaning is lost and their significance placed into the
realm of the list of things we take for granted. We need help from the Holy Spirit of God
to show us what these things mean to the One who created them. It is important that we
realize the significance of the use of color to our Heavenly Father.
The colors of the works of the flesh of man…
During this same period of time in 2006, my Teacher instructed me in the
distinction between the so-called transparent colors as well as the colors that seem to be
of an opaque nature. These transparent colors refer specifically to the specific parts of
God’s glory, His nature, or His characteristics. They are distinctly inherent to His 7
Spirits, or 7 Eyes, as John described. Their meaning is important and specific. God never
takes any aspect of His nature, or of any part of His creation for granted, and we are wise
if we do the same. The opaque, or dark, types of colors, colors which light does not
transmit through, represent the works of man’s nature. The term that refers to “the works
of the flesh” that is used in the King James Version of the Bible, are represented by these
“dark” or solid colors.
We will learn during eternity…
I will include in this book some of what I have come to understand concerning
this subject and some of the personal experiences I have witnessed thus far in my brief
schooling period of the Spirit regarding these matters. It is my hope that the earnest and
devout seeker of the righteousness of God will realize that a revelation of God’s glory
will require much of our eternity before we ever begin to even approach a full
understanding of the limitless nature of the glory of our Heavenly Father. Of course, the
concept of eternity itself is almost as impossible for us to comprehend due to the fact that
we are so intent on viewing things through the element of time. Even our so-called laws
of physical science fail to account for the absence of time. A little later on in this book I
will try to apply some of the understanding I have concerning terms commonly used in
the study of physics and one of my favorite college subjects, Physical Chemistry. Even
the Periodic Chart as I knew it from my studies at Eastern Mennonite University,
formerly Eastern Mennonite College, has changed. Such is the nature of man’s
knowledge, be certain about it. All human knowledge is temporal. Things that we once
thought were “cast in bronze” have new dimensions and implications as technological
improvements enable us to “see” more clearly and with more detail.
God’s glory is not for judging others…
I want to make it clear to the reader that I am very concerned with any attempt
that I may have to try to manipulate or control any part of these things that I have come to
“see”. In fact, I have asked my Heavenly Father to completely manage these spiritual
scenes that He has been opening up to me, so that I will not attempt to try to turn this
perception on or off. My tendency in the use of spiritual gifts is to try to categorize
people. Quite frankly, I have been wrong more times than I have been right. Without the
supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit and the gift of discernment, we cannot clearly
view the thoughts and intents of our brother or sister the way that God can.
The gifts of discernment…
I have been trained in the field of salesmanship to analyze things such as body
language, comments, demeanor, environmental conditions, etc. These tools and their
proponents are in endless supply to the student of personal behavioral patterns. I enjoy
the aspect of “reading” people. But, the discerning gifts that are given to the Body of
Christ and are employed as tools in the hands of the 5-fold ministry offices, and are
“…for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body
of Christ; until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we
be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by
the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians
4: 12-14). The work that God wants to do in the Body of Christ is not for my personal
financial benefit or self promotion, but as a service of the love He has for all His children.
I am not to design a new ministry around the use of color to discern the spiritual
condition of another individual. But, I am to faithfully minister to the Body of Christ
without regard to the personal contribution or appreciation for myself or my family.
Below I have listed some of what I have been instructed concerning recognizing
the distinction and the meaning of color. There are 2 incomplete lists here. These are
listed with reference to the significance of the colors of the rainbow as the sign for all
generations of man concerning the glory of God.
The colors of God’s glory…
First of all, the colors of God’s glory, the transparent colors, from the outermost
ring of the rainbow to the innermost arc and specific to His self-description listed in
Exodus, chapter 34…
Red represents the graciousness of God
Orange represents God’s forgiveness
Yellow speaks of how He preserves kindness for the masses
Green reveals His abundance of kindness and truth
Blue refers specifically to the merciful nature of God
Indigo speaks of the long-suffering and patience of our Father
Violet refers to His justice with the goal of the peace of oneness with Him
The 8th color, which is not really a specific color but the essence of all color, is
White. White is always visible below the innermost arc of Violet on the rainbow and
fades out the closer it gets to the actual horizon. White represents the fact that God is
Love. All that is inherent with God and His divine glory is with regards to the fact that
God is Love. Love is not what He does, but who He is. Before there is anything created,
there is Love.
The colors of man’s glory…
Now, concerning the opaque or “dark” colors, which are representative of the
works of the fleshly nature of mankind. These are colors that reveal the glory that man
has from himself and his own ability, and are affected by social and cultural pressures.
The effect of the glory of man has shown itself throughout all of history, but as is always
the case, as the strength and capabilities of the person diminishes with aging and
available resources, so does the reliability of these characteristics.
Please review the following list:
Red = lack of temperance or self-control, anger, hatred
Orange = distrust of self and others, wasteful, extravagant, lavish benevolence
Yellow = jealousy, emulations, covetous
Green = dishonest, lying, deception
Blue = unforgiving, divisions, seditions, selfish
Indigo = controlling, manipulating, conquering others, intimidating
Violet = fear, worry, require approval/acceptance of others
With the Wikipedia Encyclopedia as my source, there are a few interesting side
notes that I would like to point out concerning the research on colors.
Over 20,000 colors known to man…
First of all, it is reported there are in excess of 20,000 different and distinct colors
catalogued and identified for us to consider. (At the speed that I have been learning these
previous 15 colors, I have calculated that it will probably take me about 10,000 years to
get through about half of the list.) The interesting thing about each of these 20,000+
colors is that each one has a distinct electromagnetic wavelength which identifies the
frequency of the light that we use to perceive it. In other words, this electronic
wavelength is its finger print. It defines the speed at which we perceive this color and
distinguish it from other colors. Steve Shultz from Elijah List, has published an interview
which he had conducted with a young lady recently who was born into an atheistic home.
At the age of 4 years, Akaine Kramarik began having dreams and visions of the beautiful
regions of Heaven which she would attempt to describe in detail with her amazing talent
of painting. She described colors that she saw that are not even known to man yet.
I have studied just enough of the physical sciences in my formal education that
my curiosity then leads to other questions in my mind. For example, what would have to
happen to these very fast electromagnetic waves so that I could perceive them with my
ears? In other words, what does “red” sound like? So, I continue to ponder these things
deep in my heart.
The significance of color to God…
Now before you completely dismiss this information into the realms of sheer
speculation or theory, let me urge you to consider the evidence as to the significance of
color with God Himself. If I can encourage you to consider the importance of these
findings in light of the eternal record of Scripture, my efforts will be amply rewarded in
the undertaking of this book.
God is detail oriented…
To begin with, let us consider some of the references to the use of specific color
when used in the construction and furnishings of the Old Testament Tabernacle. Would it
interest you to know that the furnishings of the temple and the clothing designed by the
Lord Himself for the priests to wear are spoken of in the Bible in meticulous detail?
Aren’t you happy that our Creator God has paid attention to detail? Aren’t you thankful
that the biological processes of your body and the electrical communication between your
organs and your brain have been precisely designed and detailed? I believe that it is
without controversy to state that the details He instructed Moses concerning the
Tabernacle had specific meaning. So just in case you may have overlooked this following
seeming insignificant detail, let’s study the use of the 3 primary colors used extensively
in the design of the Tabernacle: red, blue and violet.
Friday, December 4, 2009
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