Friday, December 4, 2009

Conversations on Bearing the Image of Christ

On Jan 24, 2009, at 10:39 AM, "Darrell, Ruth and Ben Miller"
This is the way the Lord works with His children to develop the Christlike nature/His
divine glory into the fabric and very core of our being. He does it with all the care and
precise calculation of any loving father with his children. He is not satisfied till we
"awake in His likeness" (1 Cor 15:34... this verse actually states, Be sober in the
righteousness of Christ, do not sin; some of you hold onto ignorance of God's ways; and I
speak this to your shame. ).
You see, it is God's intention we live in His presence daily, and experience His tugging at
our heart daily. This is where we find our life filled with His righteousness and His life;
where He can impart into us the limitless measure of His glory, till we awake in His
image. This is the expressed intention of His plan when He created Adam and placed him
in the Garden of Edon. He spoke these words,
Let us make man in our own image...
This is the plan and the overall purpose of God with all of mankind. It never will be
acceptable for us to bring our own work of remaking ourselves into something which the
Lord will approve of... NEVER! It is only this work of His own Spirit dwelling within us,
which will produce a life acceptable to our Father in Heaven. Our role is to offer
ourselves into the Lord's hands and care and allow Him to do His mighty transformation
process within and to us. This is the reason we are to see our own works as judged
woefully unacceptable, and to realize that, as sinners and those who have broken His law,
we stand guilty and under the sentence of death. Now familiarize yourself once again
with the words of Romans chapter 6, and Galations 2:20, concerning the putting to death
of the old nature; the old man and all its attempts at self-righteousness, and find our place
in the NEW life IN Christ. These words are not just so much rhetoric, but they are life!
We are put to death with Him on His cross. We are planted together with Him in His
death through real water Baptism, and we are raised into New Life IN Him, because of
the resurrection power of our loving Heavenly Father.If we are dead, how can we
continue to struggle and work at anything?? But when we are made alive by the same
power of our Father through which Jesus Christ was raised from the grave, we are able to
see and hear and smell and touch and taste with an entirely new power... Christ's life.
Yesterday, January 23, 2009, Ruth and I traveled with 2 other couples to a small farming
community in Southwestern Saskatchewan called Dodsland to attend a memorial service
for a 31 year old handicapped daughter of a friend of ours. The one officiating the graveside
service had just arrived there from Belfast, Northern Ireland, named Ken Leckey,
who was also a friend of the family. Later, during a lunch time with the family, someone
introduced me to this man, who immediately looked at Ruth and I and said, "Daniel
chapter 2 has something to say to you." Then he repeated, what I found out later was
verse 20-22...
Blessed be the name of God forever and ever; for wisdom and might are His; and He
changeth the times and the seasons; He removeth kings, and setteth up kings; He
giveth wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding; He
revealed the deep and secret things; He knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light
dwelleth with Him.
Then, Ken said to us, "God will never grant His wisdom to a fool." I thanked him for
what he spoke to Ruth and I and we left. Having never met, or even had any form of
comunication with this man from Ireland, I was humbled by the awesome grace of God to
answer precisely that which I had been searching the Scriptures concerning for almost 2
weeks. You see, this vast Body of Christ has only One Head and only One Spirit. So, He
can speak truth to a total stranger from across the Atlantic Ocean which ministers truth
and life to one lone seeker of truth on the cold(-30C yesterday), bald-faced Prairies of
Saskatchewan, Canada. This is the God we serve, and He is the Head of His Body; the
True Shepherd. He hears and answers our prayers, and considers the thoughts and
intentions of our heart. His love and grace and mercy and patience extends to His
children without limit or measure. He wants us to seek Him with all or our heart, mind,
and spirit, and He will never disappoint us with refusing to hear our cries, or play hideand-
go-seek with us. The results will be a greater and greater degree of His own
righteousness being implanted into our new life with Him. We WILL be changed!!
Have a great day!
The Millers
-------------- Original message from Matt & Jenny Zacharias
: --------------
I knew you were going to have an issue with my thoughts of having to do our part before
God can draw us. And maybe it's starting to sink in - it always does take me a while. But
I do want to learn and I think I have a personal example of what you're saying.
When I first went YWAM in Montana I had no desire to play my sax but rather then
forcing it and trying to make myself practice, I prayed that if God wanted me to play for
Him, He would have to give me the desire to play. So I decided I would not pick up my
sax until He put in me that desire. So I got in the Word and even played piano but I did
not pick up the sax. It wasn't until a day or two had that God put within me a desire to
worship Him with my sax. After that I started playing many hours a day and it was great
times of just worshiping God. I have never played my sax as much as my time there and
it was not just playing either - it was worship. So maybe it needs to work the same way
with my desire to get in the Word and to seek Him whole heartedly. Maybe it's just as
simple as asking God for the desire to seek Him and wait patiently for God to answer.
Well, I'm enjoying your emails and appreciate your patience in helping me see the truth
through God's Word. Your eager student,
PS - Any plans of coming out this way to visit? We would love to have you guys come
here. We are planning on go to Mom & Dad's for Christmas. Not sure yet if we're driving
or flying, but I'm sure we'll work something out to spend time with you.
Sent from my iPod
On Jan 23, 2009, at 6:13 AM, "Darrell, Ruth and Ben Miller"
Your first sentence was correct... your second sentence reveals what we need to irradicate
from your mind...
This is what Jesus has to say on the issue...John 6:44...
No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him; and I will
raise him up at the last day.
If you will review the parable Jesus spoke concerning the sower and the seed, you will
notice the first act was the will of the sower, not the desire of the seed or the desire of the
ground to receive the seed. When we feel the pulling and tugging in our heart to come
before the Lord and seek after Him and the truths of His word, we MUST first of all
realize this too, in fact, is the work of God Himself through the presence of His own
Spirit within us. There is absolutely nothing inherent in any man, woman, boy or girl
which has the capability, or even the power, to begin a real search for God without the
power of God being present in the person of the Holy Spirit to show us the way, and
shine a light on our path. All these efforts are mankind's feeble and pathetic attempts to
achieving acceptance from a Holy God. These attempts are nicely wrapped works of selfrighteousness.
The Bible clearly and accurately refers to these as "filthy rags" in God's
eyes. This is what is at the heart of humanism. We have been inundated with spiritual
gurus who teach the latest and simpliest formulae to manipulating the powers of the
spiritual realm to achieve our own goals. This is the whoredom of the North American
Church system, and that which the Western Church is most despised for by the preachers
and purveyors of Jihad and anyother religion. This work is man-made; it stinks in God's
nostrils; but it has been the way man has preferred to use in approaching God since Cain
killed Abel. This is what incites rebellion and unbelief among God's own children more
than any other thing. It is not the preferred way and work of the Godhead. It is
abominable, pathetic, powerless, and ... get the point??
When we sense the tugging of the Spirit of the Lord to come before Him, and to seek His
heart, regardless when or where we may be, we have the capability and the capacity to
achieve entrance into the presence of the Lord at that moment. Why?... because the power
of God is present at that instant in our life, and the proof is the drawing we sense. Oh
my!... it might not be exactly at 6:00AM... it might be at 11:59AM, or 2:47PM or
10:32PM or (God forbid) 3:00AM sharp! Ha! And guess what else, it might all be over
in 30 seconds, or it might take up an hour or more, according to our "time". But, it is at
these moments in time when we would do well to drop whatever we are doing and RUN
into His arms and let Him warm our heart with His love. There He will reveal His will to
us, and tell us what is on His mind. It just could be that He has heard the cries of the
check-out clerk you are just approaching in the line-up in grocery store, and He wants
you to share with her His love and compassion. You see, if I have set up my own
"seeking God time" to be 8:15-8:45PM, and it is only 6:13PM, I will have missed it. Can
you see how short-sighted and incomplete our humanistic approaches at self-discipline
can appear in God's eyes??
Here's a couple of other support verses for the issue... John 1:12,13...
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the power (capacity, privilege, authority)
to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name; which were born,
not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
I don't know how it can be put any more clear than these words... just as even our natural,
physical birth was not decided by ourselves, or even our parents, but solely by the will of
God, so this work of drawing us to the Lord and Savior of our life is initiated by the will
of the Lord Himself. It is our sole responsibility, as those who claim to be His disciples,
to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and to obey faithfully and precisely what He is
directing us toward.
Then, here's another truth concerning those who have been endowed with the capacity
and the privilege of becoming a son or daughter of God... Rom 8:14...
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Notice, it is not the well-intentioned, best-educated, experienced, self-disciplined, nice
people who are brought into the relationship with God as a true-blue child of His... no,
this title of sonship is granted solely to those who are led by God's own Spirit. It is the
son or daughter of God who are entitled to the inheritance of the child and all the rights
and privileges and authority granted to them by the Father.
So, to summarize, the self-discipline, self-improvement, self...self...self stuff will never
get it! It is the power of the true-blue child of God which brings about the will of the
Father onto the earth and in the lives of those who are crying out for His touch. It is the
authority of those who know the voice of the Holy Spirit, and who sense the tugging and
the drawing, and who respond with full and absolute obedience, who are being changed
into the likeness and the image of Christ. These are the ones who will begin to react with
the same characteristics of our Father and our Savior to the circumstances of our life.
These are the ones who will naturally show the love and compassion and the forgiveness
and the peace of His divine presence whenever they are called upon to minister in
accordance with the plan and purpose of the Lord. It's these who are demonstrating to the
world they bear the image of the Creator of the universe and carry the power of God
through the living presence of the Holy Spirit living within them. This is the path I have
chosen... oh to be His child; to bear His name and to walk in the paths of His
righteousness and not my own!
Talk to me,
-------------- Original message from Matt & Jenny Zacharias
: --------------
So, I agree with you that the Holy Spirit must open our understanding and our spiritual
senses to know God and follow Him. But our knowledge of God or even before that -
God opening our understanding is a result of us drawing close to God. Not that I can take
credit for God's supernatural work, but it is a result of spending time with God. It's like
Rev 3:20 - we must respond to God's invitation and then He will open our eyes. How
many of the truthes that God has revealed to you would you have discovered with a daily
ten minute "devotional time"? And that's where I believe God is drawing me to know
more of Him. To have a real and vibrant relationship with God that can't help but seep
out of this cracked pot. Keep it coming!
Sent from my iPod
On Jan 22, 2009, at 6:46 AM, "Darrell, Ruth and Ben Miller"
No problemo, Matt...
The reaseon I wrote this last email to you was to emphasize the absolute importance of
having our hearts and our minds opened to receive the revealed word of the Lord. This is
not our work, or the result of self-discipline, or attending the right conference, or of
sitting in a cave on the top of some mountain. This is totally the work of the Holy Spirit
of God, to open our ears to hear and our eyes to see. These 11 men the Scripture refers to
in Luke 24:45 were the same men who had been hand-picked by the Lord Himself to
follow Him for the 3+ years of His earthly ministry. But, He had to open their
understanding in order for them to understand and to see clearly who He was and to
believe the truth of His resurrection.
The cry of my heart is without a doubt best described as Paul stated in Phil 3:10...
That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His
sufferings, being made conformable unto His death; if by any means I might attain
unto the resurrection of the dead.
Here this word "know" is ginosko... getting to know Him more and more. The word
"power" is dunamis... the miraculous, transforming, creative power of the Almighty (see
Rom 8:11). The word "sufferings" not only refers to the pain of bodily or spiritual hurt,
but it also refers to emotions, desires, or influence(see 1Peter 4:13). Certainly, it would be
inconsistant for Paul to be referring to self-inflicted bodily injuries, whippings, or
cuttings, as some religious sects throughout the world practise (see Phil 3:2,3). The word
"conformable" refers to the miracle of metamorposis and being transformed WITH
Christ, as He was and is; that we take upon us the likeness of Christ. Do you hear these
cries coming from the depth of your spirit??... God also hears these cries, and answers
them with releasing into our spiritual understanding greater and greater degrees of
revelation of Himself. What a wonderful God we serve!
David wrote in Psalm 42:7...
Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy waterspouts; all Thy waves and Thy billows
are gone over me.
Paul, referring to Isaiah's prophetic words found in 64:4, declared in I Cor 2:9,10...
... eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath entered into the heart of man the
things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them
unto us (through) His Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of
Let us commit ourselves to a life lived according to the wonderful words of Paul from
Phil chapter 2...
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus... to the end of verse 16, and
especially verse 13... For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His
good pleasure.
Talk to me...
-------------- Original message from Matt & Jenny Zacharias
: --------------
Hey Darrel,
Let me get back to you tomorrow on this. I just got back from our church business
meeting and am so tired. Thanks,
Sent from my iPod
On Jan 21, 2009, at 7:31 AM, "Darrell, Ruth and Ben Miller"
Yes, and there are more than 3 specific Greek words used in most Greek texts of the NT,
but, certainly these 3 are the most common. Before I share more with you concerning
these other verses, refresh your memory of a parable our Lord used to teach the disciples
a Kingdom principle... Matt 13:11-23... the parable of the sower. In v.11, Jesus said,
It is given to you to know (ginosko) the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to
them it is not given.
This knowledge is first of all a gift... a gift which requires receiving by faith, as with all
things the Lord has given to us. In this parable, Jesus refers to the recepticles of
knowledge as ears which hear, and eyes which see. Certainly, He is speaking of 2 of the
spiritual senses which have been made alive by the power of His own life in these
disciples, and in us. How pathetic to have ears which seem normal, but cannot hear a
thing without the aid of some amplifier of sorts. We refer to this kind of person as
handicapped, and try to help them in some way. In verse 14 and 15, we see He was
recounting a prophecy of Isaiah, in which Isaiah was lamenting the lifeless and
deplorable spiritual condition of the people of his day. If you will look at the descriptive
terms he uses in verse 15, you will probably see the similarities with the lukewarm
condition of the Laodicean Assembly spoken of in Rev 3:14-21. Of course, most Biblical
students of our day of enlightenment agree this Church Age spoken of here typifies our
current Church Age we live in today... interesting??! But look at what the Lord speaks
back here in Matt 13:14 concerning this prophecy...
In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear and
shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive. (oida= even come
to an awareness of the existance of anything to be seen)
Then Jesus goes on with this parable and its explanation. Notice the various conditions
under which the same living seed was received... 1) by the road, 2) on the rock bed, 3)
among the thorns and bushes, and 4) good soil with varying fertility levels. In the first 3
cases mentioned, the effect on the seed was unproducivity. The seed by the road was
stolen by an enemy of the sower, because it was laying around in full view with no care
and attention having been given it. The seed which was laying out on rocks was out in
full view, and everyone could see it, and how beautifully shaped it was, and exactly the
right color, but it just laid there on the rock bed exposed to all the elements of life. Jesus
said that these are the ones who hear the word and receive it immediately with joy. They
have a party, and set up a whole new denomination called the Church of the Beautiful
Seed, form a Board, and build a new building. They continuously celebrate this new
perfect seed. Sooner or later, as the crowds build, some kind of "people" trouble sets in
(where there's people, there will be trouble!), and the importance of the Beautiful Seed is
soon set aside, so they can focus their attention on more "pressing issues". Then, you see
the seed lying out in the thorn bushes... even in some beautiful rose bushes... even some
of the seed has been caught up in the open rose buds, and never make it to the ground.
Even if it did eventually make its way down into the ground, when it would sprout, the
bush would simply siphon off all the moisture for itself, leaving the seed to dry up and
wither away. Jesus said this is the effect our worthwhile pursuits of career and business
and family economics, and of course, the almighty retirement fund (nest egg) has on His
word even when it is sown properly in our heart.
Recently, Ruth and I were invited to some peoples' house to play music and sing with
them. When we arrived, they had everything ready, instruments out, and another couple
were there to help out as well. Now, these people are very near or are in their 70s in terms
of age, and I just assumed they had some kind of spiritual life and vitality... boy, was I
surprised! Here they are, having grown up in Christian homes and having attended
churches all their life, but from all appearances, pathetically lifeless and not even an
opportunity was opened even a crack to share of the good news of the Gospel. But then,
they asked Ruth and I to sing some of "our songs". Well, the only songs we know are
ones which glorify the Lord and speak of His love and care and the hope of eternal life.
Even with all that, and they said they loved it, there was no further word spoken of the
love of the Lord and what He means to them. This is what I call a combination of all 3 of
these types of conditions.
Oh, but the blessedness of the new sprouts of life when the seed has been placed on the
good ground. Ground which has been properly prepared, tilled, fertilized, and full of
moisture... it produces! This is what the Sower of the seed, our Father who is in Heaven,
hopes to see... fruitfulness. Fruit which identifies accurately the seed which was sown...
His own divine nature... His characteristics... His likeness... His glory! Get it??
So, you see, it's not the presence of the seed, or the knowledge to properly recognize it as
seed that produces the fruit the Sower is hoping for... it is having our heart (the soil)
properly prepared by the work of the Holy Spirit, to receive the seed, and to possess its
new life within our heart for miraculous change. In v.23, Jesus says this in closing this
parable of the Kingdom life...
He that received the seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word and
understandeth it...
There's the critical key... spiritual understanding. One of the most amazing verses I think
of concerning this action of understanding is found in Luke 24:45...
Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures...
So, you see, this is also the work of the Lord Himself... let's be found as those whom He
has blessed by opening our spiritual understanding to understand the Scriptures and
thereby apply it properly into the knowledge (the intimate, complete, epiginosis) of our
Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When we have the living seed of Christ planted deep
within the fertile soil of our heart, the power, which is lacking in the Church of our time,
will become fully evident... the lame will walk, demons bound or chased away, bountiful
spiritual life and vitality will exist to meet all the people needs...
More later...
-------------- Original message from "Matt & Jenny Zacharias"
: --------------
Hey Darrell,
Thanks for your quick response – I was checking my email this morning hoping to see one from
you, which I did! As far as my delayed silence – that is not because of anything you say – as a
matter of fact I just have loved your emails and have been challenged by them! It’s more of a
case that sometimes I just need some processing time. And whenever truth is revealed there is
always a choice – and it’s learning how to apply what I’m learning. God challenged me the other
day that I could listen to as many good sermons and read as much good material as I wanted,
but it needs to start becoming a part of my life. So if I don’t respond right away, it might just be
that I need time to think it through. Would you say that knowledge without action is still
I found that very interesting that there were 3 different Greek words for knowledge. I also read
those verses that you said you would share with on the next email and am excited to see what
you say. Well, I am being beckoned to go to bed. I was going to get into the word today and
really study it but it didn’t happen. We had a family gathering (Birthday party for two of the
relatives) and so I didn’t end up doing it. But I am hoping tomorrow that I will get a
chance…’s always tomorrow. Anyway – keep praying that God would help me in that area. I
want to have that knowledge of Him – to understand who He really is, not just who people say
He is. Alright I gotta run. Thanks again for your teaching! It is a real blessing,
Your student,
PS – I know I’ve been on this Paul Washer kick lately but you gotta listen to this message by
From: Darrell, Ruth and Ben Miller []
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:42 AM
To: Matt & Jenny Zacharias
Subject: Re: Lack of knowledge = Lack of God's power?
Good Morning, to you all ...
Thanks for the email, Matt.. you know this could stretch out into a lengthy discussion
again...?? Ha! I have been wondering, due to your "silence" since my last long reply, if I
had been too harsh, or impatient ...? I hope I never cause you pain from what I say... you
can be assured if you do feel that, it certainly is not intended from what I say. If I think I
am not getting Ben's attention, I just simply get my scoop shovel out and hit him in the
face!... now that's pain!... Ha!
I don't know if you "save" the emails we have sent back and forth for future review, but I
do. When I looked back at the last one, I realized I had opened up this subject as to the
pathetic, powerless condition of the Church in North America. Of course, this is the only
place in the world I have have authority (if you call it that) to speak concerning. The only
reason I can speak is because I have first-hand knowledge of the Church in North
America. I watch it carefully, through many reports and perspectives of many different
authors. I am always looking for signs of places where there is life and passion with
signs, wonders, and miracles evidencing the hand of the Lord Himself in the goings on.
You see, this is the part the Lord takes in these "awakenings"... the Bible declares He
confirms (shows approval of) His word with signs, wonders, and miracles. However, lest
we get caught up in the hype and delusion of the flesh, we must remember one thing... He
shows approval of the truth of HIS word, but this same approval is not necessarily for the
one speaking His word. Don't ever sink into the pits of that trap... you may never climb
back out again!
Anyway... the relationship between knowledge and power... and there certainly is a
relationship; and a very close one. Here's why...
1) first of all, we must become familiar with the various words which have been
translated from the original texts as "knowledge, knowing, to know...", and become
familiar with the differences in the definitions of these words. This is the only way we
can study clearly as to the original intent of the writer/speaker of the verses. Sorry to
hammer at an old argument, but that's why I continue to this day to study almost
exclusively from the KJV and use the aids I have become familiar with, namely, Strongs
and Vines. I do enjoy reading from the NIV and also from the New Living Bible, but I
study almost exclusively from the KJV.
The 3 most common Greek words translated to our subject of knowledge are a) ginosko,
b)oida, and
c) epiginosis. There are several more different words used in the original texts, but most
verses use one of these 3. Ginosko refers to a progressive relationship existing between
the one knowing and the object of the knowledge, whether that be a person or a thing.
Oida refers to a perception of a person or a thing or , simply being aware of. Epiginosis
gets to the heart of it all, and refers to the participation/sharing/full knowledge/intimate
understanding between the one knowing the "what" or "who" or "it" is known
completely. Don't you think these are significant differences?...
2) So, let's look at some of the beautiful messages of the Word of God with these
distinctions in mind...
a) 2Peter1:3... the word used in verse 3 is epiginosis... in verse 5 and 6, the word is
ginosko, and in verse 8, the word is epiginosis... which speaks thusly...
We have been endowed with the miracle-working power (dunamis) of God with
everything we require to live in this world with God's approval, through the
compete/intimate knowledge of the One who called us, who is Christ, our Savior.
Through Christ we have been given powerful promises through which we become
partakers of His divine nature/ His glory! So, let's be diligent to pursue greater and
greater degrees of His characteristics by adding to our faith, excellence; to our
excellence, increasing knowledge; to our increasing knowledge of Him, self-control; to
our self-control, patience(which comes from tribulation); to our patience/constancy,
seeking God's approval; to godliness, brotherly love for others; to our brotherly
love(philidephia), agape. IF these things are present and ever increasing in us, we will
NEVER be dried up, lifeless, or unfruitful in the epiginosis/ the intimate knowledge
of our Lord, Jesus Christ. BUT, if these things are not present in our life, we will be
spiritually blind, with no vision or confidence in the future, and will even forget
the experience of our New Birth had actually taken place at all. (Then, a most
powerful conclusion to this discussion is verse 11...) For so a pathway will be opened
up for us, with all the riches and glamour of royalty, into the Kingdom of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now, how does that sit with you??
Your thoughts, please!
Darrell (we'll look at some more verses later... sneak peak... Col 1:9, Eph 1:17, Phil 1:9)
-------------- Original message from Matt & Jenny Zacharias
: --------------
> Hey Darrell,
> Hope you are doing well. I have a question for you. Do you think that
> one of the reasons the church lacks the Power of God is due to a lack
> of knowledge of God? The verse that sparked that was 2 Peter 1:3. I
> understand that knowledge of itself is not going to have any power.
> But is it possible that God's power is limited by my knowledge of
> Him. On Saturday I traveled to Michigan with a band I am a part of
> called 513free. We led worship at substance abuse shelter. I was
> asked to have a devotional. I shared on Luke 18:9-14. I talked about
> being real with God. It went ok, but really lacking the power of God.
> As we were traveling home the thought occurred to me - I can only
> speak as deep as the depth of my relationship with Christ. Isn't that
> where a greater knowledge and understanding of God comes in? Would
> John 17:3 fit into the picture as well? Or 1 Cor 15:34? I would like
> to hear your thoughts on this.

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