Friday, December 4, 2009

A revealed truth from Jeremiah 33

Wednesday AM, August 22, 2007, from a hotel room in Winnipeg, the Holy Spirit spoke to me the
words of a verse from Jeremiah chapter 33, verse 3... "Call unto Me, and I
will answer thee, and show thee things which thou knowest not." (That was at
4:45AM, Winnipeg time)... well, when that kind of thing happens, I get out of
bed and turn on the computer, and start studying the words as they are
written. The things I found out are these...

1) the preceding verse is actually a verse where God declares first of all
that He is the Maker and the Creator... then He declares that He is the
the One who designs and molds things into the image which He intends... then
He declares that He is the One who establishes and ordains things and people
and everything into its intended use...

2) then in verse 3, the instructions are very simple and easy to interpret...
we are to call on Him, and His response is He will hear us and answer our cry.
The definite connection to the previous verse, however, is of extreme
importance. It is clearly stated here that we must have a view of God in His
role as the One who creates, and forms, and determines, or establishes, our
life in the hope of fulfilling His divine plan and purpose for each one of us.
This is
extremely important! We must know He is able and capable and has the desire to
meet our needs when we call on Him. He doesn't play hide-and-go-seek with
us... He wants to open up His storehouses of great blessings and pour them out
upon us until we are not able to contain the abundance of all that He gives to

3) then there is the final phrase of verse 3 which caught my attention in a
way I have never experienced prior to this. The word "show" and "Knowest not"
are used here to say something more like this... "I will show/tell/reveal to
you things that could have never entered your mind...". This transliteration
is consistant with the original Hebrew text, and also with a verse found in
Isaiah64:4, which the Apostle Paul directly quoted in 1Cor2:9... "Eye hath not
seen, nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man the things which
God hath prepared for them who love Him."

So, you see, when we come to God with our plans all laid out, and ask His
blessing on them, we are missing any possibility of the fulfillment of this
wonderful truth contained and confirmed as truth in the Word of God. He, as
the Creator and Potter and Designer of all things, wants to tell us and show
things which have never entered our mind. We may think we have identified all
the possibilities and options to the resolution of an issue or problem or plan
with our amazing logic and reasoning from our own past experiences in life...
He wants to show us something else... another path... which we never thought
of, which will be the right way...His way... Oh, praise the Lord for His
amazing wisdom
and His amazing love for us. He really does care!

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